Friday, April 23, 2010

Rain rain

snuggled up for a rainy day snooze

I don't really want you to go away just yet, but don't get any ideas about staying too long. Anyone remember last June when it rained halfway through the month? But for now I am enjoying the nice sounds and smell of rain and the glorious afternoon naps it provides.


Jill said...

Ah... I'm totally jealous of the naps. We need to do dinner again. Hurry and invite me.

Lisa B. said...

I love the way a rainy afternoon is so quiet and cozy. I did snuggle in yesterday, more for a rest than a nap, but still. It WAS glorious.

DiaNe said...

rainy day naps are really wonderful!

Lesley said...

IF only it weren't mixed in with snow! Yuck!