Tuesday, September 17, 2013

I am a crazy person

If you recall, Deacon and I made a bucket list this summer, do you also remember the part where I wanted to run 300 miles? Well, on Saturday when I crossed the finish line at the Big Cottonwood half marathon it marked THREE HUNDRED FOUR miles. 304 long miles. Countless 4 am wakeup calls. Many, many jelly belly sport beans (with caffeine!) a whole lot of deer spotting's up emigration canyon, 3 porcupine ( I assume it was the same one each time??) sightings, 1 skunk, and 2 rabbit sightings and 1 snake sighting. Lots of entertaining conversations with running partners. One million pee stops on the side of the road and only 1 #2 stop (and I was prepared with a baby wipe and all!) tons of sweat. Not enough afternoon naps. So many moments of prayer and meditation. Countless hours of music listened to and one hilarious book on tape (this has changed running for me!) An overwhelming feeling of gratitude for my body and all the things it is capable of. I feel really proud of myself.

Now it is time to sleep in.