Thursday, January 24, 2008
The end of an Era
The Era named Matt Murray. It is true our friend and best neighbor Matt is moving out of the apartment two doors down. We have loved having our friends live so close and there has been many a time when we have stayed up way too late talking and laughing. We will miss the mid afternoon pop ins asking if we want to get a jumbo Diet coke. Matt is a true blue friend. Good luck Matt in wherever your world travels take you. So long.
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
I LOVE............
Since its almost Valentines Day!
Let's start a tag! I think this will be a fun one that we will all like reading each others. List three unconventional things you love ( We all know you love your husbands your babies and diet coke time to think outside the box!) and then what you love about them.
1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE cupcakes. I love baking them I love decorating them I love them in all shapes and sizes. If there is ever an opportunity for cupcakes I am all over it. In fact my niece Bailey had to make a whole bunch for school and I was kind of sad I wasn't making cupcakes for my school class. Deacons nanny turned 21 this year and I made her a whole bunch, loved it. And mom do you remember your pink cupcake tower?
Cupcakes for Alex!
2. I love Nordstrom Rack. But on very specific conditions. 1. I can not have a baby with me, those aisles are way to small to navigate with a stroller. 2. I need to be wearing comfy clothes for quick try on ability. 3. No Curtis. He ruins my love for the rack every single time. The rack is where I found my gold LAMB watch for way cheap endless pairs of awesome shoes and not to mention some sweet jeans you would think I paid 200$ for. If you have never felt your heart skip a beat when you find something amazing at the rack then I suggest you try it! ( also amazing finds for baby FYI)
3. And last but not least I LOVE the feeling you get when you are with friends and you have gone into what my friend Laura calls "Drunk off the night" When you are laughing just because you are together having fun and so you wanna laugh. I know I have experienced this with many of you (she spilled honey mustard on her shoe! or not too long ago at Jasons Deli) It just feels good to laugh sometimes and it is best late at night!
Does Laura look Drunk off the night? Cause she is!
Now listen up! I tag Heather, Casi, Joelle, Angie, Mom, Amelia and Annie. You better do it! Come on it's fun! Happy Valentines I love you all!
Let's start a tag! I think this will be a fun one that we will all like reading each others. List three unconventional things you love ( We all know you love your husbands your babies and diet coke time to think outside the box!) and then what you love about them.
1. I LOVE LOVE LOVE cupcakes. I love baking them I love decorating them I love them in all shapes and sizes. If there is ever an opportunity for cupcakes I am all over it. In fact my niece Bailey had to make a whole bunch for school and I was kind of sad I wasn't making cupcakes for my school class. Deacons nanny turned 21 this year and I made her a whole bunch, loved it. And mom do you remember your pink cupcake tower?

2. I love Nordstrom Rack. But on very specific conditions. 1. I can not have a baby with me, those aisles are way to small to navigate with a stroller. 2. I need to be wearing comfy clothes for quick try on ability. 3. No Curtis. He ruins my love for the rack every single time. The rack is where I found my gold LAMB watch for way cheap endless pairs of awesome shoes and not to mention some sweet jeans you would think I paid 200$ for. If you have never felt your heart skip a beat when you find something amazing at the rack then I suggest you try it! ( also amazing finds for baby FYI)
3. And last but not least I LOVE the feeling you get when you are with friends and you have gone into what my friend Laura calls "Drunk off the night" When you are laughing just because you are together having fun and so you wanna laugh. I know I have experienced this with many of you (she spilled honey mustard on her shoe! or not too long ago at Jasons Deli) It just feels good to laugh sometimes and it is best late at night!
Now listen up! I tag Heather, Casi, Joelle, Angie, Mom, Amelia and Annie. You better do it! Come on it's fun! Happy Valentines I love you all!
Monday, January 21, 2008
Baby in the bath
Sunday, January 13, 2008
CHRISTMAS!!!!!!!!!!!!! (finally!)
We had such an amazing Christmas. I knew it would be a blast with Deacon but I did not realize it would be this great. My parents and Curt's parents are such good fun grandparents and it makes Christmas that much more fun. We started the day at my house and had our own little Christmas there, after that the craziness began as we raced all over town to get and give lots of gifts. Now that we are older and our parents have everything they could ever want instead of giving them gifts we each do a service project and then make all little scrapbook of each project and give it them. Curtis my little brother Walker and I went grocery shopping and took it all to the Ronald McDonald house, it is where families whose children are in the hospital stay while they children are being treated. My heart was full as I thought how much love and support I would have if anything like that ever happened to me. I was so happy I could help make someones burden a little lighter. I am excited to think of next years project! Anyway we had a very merry Christmas and hope you all did too!
Our little Family
Laughing with mom
Playing with Christmas trains with Grandma and Grandpa Bick
I love the wrapping paper!
Santa Daddy on Christmas eve
Shopping for the Ronald Macdonald house

At the Ronald McDonald house

At the Ronald McDonald house
Wednesday, January 9, 2008
see you in two!

Friday, January 4, 2008
This year we.....
had a baby. wore and applied a whole lot of makeup(me). Held a lot of friends (first!) new born babies. Played board games like crazy. Ate A LOT( I was pregnant). Took up yoga(me again). Took picture after picture of our pride and joy Deacon. (me and Curt) Tiled a kitchen perfectly on his first try(Curt) Hung out with friends almost everyday. Cooked a lot of really good dinners (both of us). Watched 3 seasons of lost in about a months time (both again). Fell in love with the office (me, Curt was telling me I would forever but for some reason I was slow to come around. WHY?). Spent a lot of time with my mom. Went to a Cowboys game(certainly not me I hate football). Spent time with my sister and fell in love with her two girls. Lost a sweet grandmother(Curtis). Spent New Years just the two of us(hey I was real pregnant) Played poker at the cabin(Curt) Celebrated my moms 50th with a bang. Spent hours getting our newborn to smile(me and Curt). Wore a bikini 7 months pregnant (it was so fun). Dressed Deacon as a chicken for Halloween. Taught some really good lessons in church(Curt). Read the final Harry Potter(boohoo). For that matter bought the final Harry Potter at midnight(thanks Lauren). Watched my last brother open his mission call, it was exhilarating. Laughed a lot(both) cried a lot(mostly me) and lived a really amazing year!
Here are just a few pictures of our awesome year. (don't worry they are not of me in the bikini.)
Christmas pictures are coming soon, happy new year love you all!
Go Cowboys! (I guess?)
I am only willing to show a pretty fully clothed bikini shot.
At the cabin. I love that sling, if you have a baby go get one!
Good friends and their sweet babes. ( I just need Owen Dane and Alfie in there!)
See lots of makeup.
And best of all look at that sweet tiny baby.
Here are just a few pictures of our awesome year. (don't worry they are not of me in the bikini.)
Christmas pictures are coming soon, happy new year love you all!

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