Sunday, May 12, 2013

A very happy day

I love being a mom. It is the most rewarding thing I have ever done. The only thing I really dislike about being a mom is bloody noses. Deacon gets so many freaking bloody noses. Other than that is truly is wonderful. I feel so happy to take care of these darling kids. My favorite things in no particular order:

Seeing Gwen's face in the morning when I come in to get her from her crib seeing the good morning song ("good morning! good morning! how'd ya get so big? good morning, good morning! How'd ya get SO big? You are my little baby, soon you'll be a big girl! Good morning, good morning! How'd ya get so big!")

Volunteering in Deacons class. One of the best parts of my job is the flexibility. This allows me to go to Deacons class at least once a week, I LOVE seeing him in his own environment.

Celebrating birthdays and holidays. This past week was Deacons birthday (more on my 6 year old later!) and it was so fun to see his face when he came into our room in the morning. I love making memories I know my children will look back on fondly.

Dressing Gwennie and combing her pretty soft hair. I love having a girl, I hope she always knows how beautiful she is to me.

When Deacon makes me laugh, in the car yesterday I handed him a tortilla chip (from lone star, yum) and he said " I can't even handle how delicious these are!" He is always making me laugh.

Going through the drive through at Shivers getting a diet coke and a kids twist cone for Deacon. It may seem silly but it is a little ritual we have and I love it.

I love my kids, I am so happy to have them. Now excuse me while I go peek on them in their beds and cry, just kidding. Kinda.

AND before I go! I love my moms, Mom, Dana and Sharon. Happy mothers day!


Lesley said...

Motherhood is so fun! You are the cutest mom. Happy Mother's Day!

Lisa B. said...

I feel lucky to know so many wonderful moms in my family and adjacent to it. Happy Mother's Day to you. I love how much you love being a mom.

Amelia said...

Love you, and love that picture of you.